New window installation techniques
Here at Aldena we know that a window, regardless of its quality, is not able to work properly if installed in the wrong way. For this reason, in addition to study the wall stratigraphy and suggesting the usage of thermal break window sills, we went a step forward by adopting the PosaClima guidelines. These recommendations advise on usage of special materials and techniques in order to guarantee maximum air and water tightness.
Counterframe is an important component. Instead of traditional wooden counterframe, we can use new counterframes made of Thermovinyl, a stable, recycleable and weather-resistant material. In addition we create another thermal break by putting an insulating plastic bar under the window.
Cracks in plaster between counterframe and wall can often be noticed, caused by vibrations and by different characteristics of the two materials. These cracks let water and draughts come in, while humidity going out of the house condensates causing mould and damp patches. For this reason we use special plastic profiles that guarantee perfect coupling between counterframe and wall. Moreover, we can apply special air- and vapour-tight films that stop draughts while letting out humidity. Both plastic profiles and flms can be used on plastered or thermal insulation coated walls.
The most innovative component in thermoacoustic installation is self-expanding tape, used instead of polyurethanic foams and silicons between window frame and counterframe. It expands from 3-5 mm to 20-30 mm, completely sealing the perimeter. This material insulates against air, water and noise thanks to its structure and its internal sealing films. Self-expanding tapes are weather resistant and do not tend to break up.
Performances of these tapes are very high: they guarantee water-tightness to pouring rain exceeding 1000 Pa, a wide temperature range from -30 to + 80 °C and an acoustic insulation up to 58 dB.